parallels 虚拟机_如何使用Parallels Lite免费制作Linux和macOS虚拟机
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parallels 虚拟机

parallels 虚拟机

Parallels is easily the best virtualization software on the Mac, and earlier this year, they quietly added a new app called  to the Mac App Store—and unlike its cousin, it’s free to download. The catch: if you want to use Windows virtual machines, you’re going to have to pay for a $60 a year for a subscription.

Parallels无疑是Mac上最好的虚拟化软件,今年早些时候,他们悄悄在Mac App Store中添加了一个名为的新应用程序-与它的表亲不同,它是免费下载的。 问题是:如果您想使用Windows虚拟机,则必须每年支付60美元的订阅费。

But the program itself is completely free otherwise, meaning if you want to create Linux, Chromium OS, or even macOS virtual machines, you don’t need to pay a dime.

但是该程序本身是完全免费的,这意味着如果您要创建Linux,Chromium OS甚至是macOS虚拟机,则无需支付一分钱。

我应该使用Parallels Lite还是Parallels的“完整”版本? (Should I Use Parallels Lite, or the “Full” Version of Parallels?)

So how it Parallels Desktop Lite different than Parallels Desktop? , if you’re  curious—there are a few limitations related to Mac App Store sandboxing. Other than that, the main difference is that Lite is free for anything except Windows virtual machines. If you want to run a Windows virtual machine, you’ll need to pony up $60 annually.

那么Parallels Desktop Lite与Parallels Desktop有何不同? 如果您感到好奇的话, —与Mac App Store沙箱相关的一些限制。 除此之外,主要区别在于Lite除了Windows虚拟机外对其他任何东西都是免费的。 如果您想运行Windows虚拟机,则每年需要付60美元。

How does that compare to Parallels Desktop for Mac, the “full” version of this software? Well that product currently costs $70, and is yours as long as you can keep it running. Parallels versions typically stop running every couple of macOS releases, after which you’ll need to either stick to an older host operating system or pony up $50 for an upgrade license. Assuming you need to upgrade every two years, which is roughly consistent with our experience, the two pricing plans are about that same.

与Parallels Desktop for Mac(该软件的“完整”版本)相比,它又如何呢? 好吧,该产品目前的价格为70美元,只要您可以继续运行,它就是您的产品。 Parallels版本通常会在每两个macOS版本中停止运行,之后,您需要使用较旧的主机操作系统,也可以花50美元购买升级许可证。 假设您需要每两年升级一次,这与我们的经验大致一致,那么这两个定价计划大致相同。

But that’s only if you want to run Windows. If your interest in virtual machines lies entirely on the Linux and macOS side of things, Lite is without question the better deal, because you can’t beat free.

但这仅在您要运行Windows的情况下。 如果您对虚拟机的兴趣完全在Linux和macOS方面,那么Lite无疑是更好的选择,因为您无法抗衡。

Parallels Desktop Lite入门 (Getting Started With Parallels Desktop Lite)

Start up Parallels Lite for the first time and you’ll see the Parallels Wizard, which makes setting up or adding virtual machines simple.

首次启动Parallels Lite,您将看到Parallels向导,该向导使设置或添加虚拟机变得简单。

There are three main options here. The most prominent points you to download Windows 10 from Microsoft, which will cost you around $120 for Windows itself on top of the Parallels subscription. To the right, you’ll find the option to browse your computer for any installation images on your computer. Below these two prominent options, you’ll see quick tools for downloading several other operating systems, including:

这里有三个主要选项。 您最重要的一点是从Microsoft下载Windows 10,在Parallels订阅上,Windows本身的价格约为120美元。 在右侧,您会找到用于浏览计算机的选项,以查找计算机上的所有安装映像。 在这两个突出的选项下面,您将看到用于下载其他几种操作系统的快速工具,包括:

  • Chromium OS (the open source version of Chrome OS)

  • Ubuntu 16.04

    Ubuntu 16.04
  • Fedora 23

  • CentOS 7

  • Debian 8

    Debian 8

Let’s get started with setting up a couple of these installers, then move on to setting up macOS in a virtual machine.


在Parallels Desktop Lite中安装Linux或Chromium OS (Installing Linux or Chromium OS in Parallels Desktop Lite)

Click any of the operating systems at the bottom of the wizard and you’ll see more information about them.


Click the “Download” button and Parallels will begin the downloading process.


How long this takes will depend on the speed of your internet connection, but for me downloading Chromium OS only took a few minutes. When it’s done, you can log into your Google account and start using Chromium OS right away.

这需要多长时间取决于您的互联网连接速度,但是对我来说,下载Chromium OS仅花费了几分钟。 完成后,您可以登录自己的Google帐户并立即开始使用Chromium OS。

It seems like Chromium OS doesn’t sync over settings from a Chromebook, which is disappointing, but it’s still nice to have access to this system for the occasional test.


I repeated the process for Ubuntu, just for good measure. It was just as simple, and I was using the operating system in no time.

我重复了Ubuntu的整个过程,只是出于很好的考虑。 就这么简单,而且我很快就在使用操作系统。

The version of Ubuntu offered is 16.04, which is the most recent Long Term Support version of that Linux distribution. I tried manually installing the more recent 17.04, but had trouble getting Parallels Tools up and running. Your mileage may vary, but in my humble opinion life is a lot easier if you stick to the built-in wizard installers.

提供的Ubuntu版本是16.04,这是该Linux发行版的最新长期支持版本。 我尝试手动安装更新的17.04,但无法启动和运行Parallels Tools。 您的里程可能会有所不同,但是我坚决认为,如果坚持使用内置向导安装程序,生活会容易得多。

在Parallels Desktop Lite中安装macOS (Install macOS in Parallels Desktop Lite)

If you want a Mac inside your Mac, you’ll first need to head to the Mac App Store. Search for the macOS version you want to install, then click the “Download” button.

如果要在Mac中使用Mac,则首先需要前往Mac App Store。 搜索要安装的macOS版本,然后单击“下载”按钮。

A caveat: the Mac App Store will not download a version of the OS older than what you’re currently running. This means that you cannot create a virtual machine for older versions of macOS unless you have some other means of finding the installers. You can, however, easily download newer versions of macOS in order to test them without installing, which is nice.

注意:Mac App Store将不会下载比您当前正在运行的操作系统更早的版本。 这意味着您无法为旧版本的macOS创建虚拟机,除非您有其他查找安装程序的方法。 但是,您可以轻松下载较新版本的macOS,以便无需安装即可对其进行测试,这很好。

Once the installer is downloaded, it will open.


Go ahead and close this with Command+Q—we don’t want to re-install our operating system. Head back to the Parallels Wizard, which you can find by clicking the Parallels button in the menu bar, then clicking “New.”

继续并使用Command + Q关闭它-我们不想重新安装我们的操作系统。 返回Parallels向导,您可以通过单击菜单栏中的Parallels按钮,然后单击“新建”来找到它。

Click “Install Windows or another OS from a DVD or image file” and you should see macOS Sierra as an option (if not, click “locate manually” to give Parallels permission to see the rest of your file system.)

单击“从DVD或图像文件安装Windows或其他操作系统”,您应该将macOS Sierra视为一个选项(如果没有,请单击“手动定位”以赋予Parallels权限,以查看您文件系统的其余部分。)

Click “Continue” and you’ll be asked about storage space.


Click “Continue” after checking that you have enough room, then give your virtual machine a name and choose a location.


Click “Continue” and eventually the installer will launch.


Exciting! Continue through the steps as prompted—you’ll install macOS on your newly created virtual hard drive, and the machine will re-boot a couple of times. You can leave this running in the background and work on something else. Eventually you’ll be prompted to choose a language and create an account, after which you’ll have full access to macOS in a virtual machine.

令人兴奋! 按照提示继续操作,您将在新创建的虚拟硬盘驱动器上安装macOS,计算机将重新启动几次。 您可以让它在后台运行,并进行其他工作。 最终,系统会提示您选择一种语言并创建一个帐户,然后您将拥有对虚拟机中macOS的完全访问权限。

You can now use macOS in your virtual machine! There’s just one thing left to do: install Parallels Tools, so that the virtual machine’s resolution will change when you re-size the window, among other integrations. To get started, click the “!” icon at top-right, then click “Install Parallels Tools.”

您现在可以在虚拟机中使用macOS! 剩下要做的一件事:安装Parallels Tools,以便在调整窗口大小以及其他集成时,虚拟机的分辨率将发生变化。 要开始使用,请单击“!” 右上角的图标,然后单击“安装Parallels Tools”。

This will connect a virtual disk with the installer to your virtual macOS machine.


Run the installer, then re-start your virtual Mac, and you’re all set up!


This is a lot easier than , isn’t it? And the price is the same. Enjoy!

这比容易得多,不是吗? 和价格是一样的。 请享用!


parallels 虚拟机


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